Evans, Michael Robert

Hegemony and discourse

Negotiating cultural relationships through media production
is part of Journalism , 3 , 3 , December, 2002 , pp. 309 - 329
As part of large, complex social structures, media organizations exist in constantly shifting relationships with each other, with the societies within which they work and with the internal and external audiences with which they communicate. The role of indigenous media groups in hegemonic processes, then, cannot be seen as monolithic or monologic, as some scholars have suggested. An examination of Inuit videography groups reveals that media organizations support or resist hegemonic pressures differentially; some work 'within the system' to further worthwhile aims, while others struggle against hegemonic coercion in an effort to expose that coercion and foster alternative power structures. Any models relating to the role of media in hegemony must reflect the heterogeneous stances and discursive relationships adopted by and among various media organizations.
Language eng
Names [author] Evans, Michael Robert
Indiani Americani
American Indians