Galastri, Leandro

Social Classes and Subaltern Groups: Theoretical Distinction and Political Application

is part of Capital & Class , 42 , 1 , February 14, 2017
The purpose of this article is to draw a theoretical distinction between the notions of 'social classes' and 'subaltern groups' as defined in The Prison Notebooks by Antonio Gramsci. This distinction will involve a brief discussion about the notions of 'social classes' evolved by other key authors in the area, apart from Gramsci himself, such as Marx, D. Bensaïd, E. P. Thompson and N. Poulantzas, who, on this question, have close affinities with the ideas of Gramsci. Finally, I seek to make suggestions about how this distinction can be applied, together with some critical observations on 'Subaltern Studies' and some final considerations with regard to this article as a whole.
Language eng
Names [author] Galastri, Leandro
Studi subalterni
Quaderni del carcere
Classe, Struttura Di
Subaltern Studies
Prison Notebooks
Class Structure