Brunello, Yuri

O Dante Alighieri de Antonio Gramsci

is part of Acta Scientiarum. Language and Culture , 40 , 1 , Jeneiro de 2018 - Março de 2018 , pp. 1 - 10
Antonio Gramsci in his Prison Notebooks constructs an ‘anti-Crocean' reading of Dante Alighieri's Inferno X. It is an interpretation based on the conception of the textual lacuna - manifested by Dante's silence in front of Cavalcante de' Cavalcanti, one of the protagonists of Dante's canto - as a strategy of cultural and, at the same time, political and social nature. Poetry is not reduced to ‘poetic'. Gramsci, in fact, rejects the idea of literature as a phenomen sterilely ‘superstructural': reading Inferno X, on the contrary, means for Gramsci understanding how Dantesque poetry is neither a mimesis nor a representation, but an immanent reality: part of an organic totality, in which each element - a cultural element as a literary work, for example - constitutes an articulation of the whole. This study intends to indicate in the Gramscian interpretation of Canto X an attempt to find within textual lacunas not the manifestation - as Benedetto Croce (1921) believed - of the ineffable and prelogical dimension of intuition, but the presuppositions for an active and creative role of the reader: a rational, ideological articulation of the connection between the cultural, political and economic level of the society understood as a whole.
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Names [author] Brunello, Yuri
Dante, X canto Inferno
Dante, X canto Inferno