Goés, Camila

Realistas e engajados: a centralidade da política em Gramsci e Schattschneider

Realists and committed: the centrality of politics in Gramsci and Schattschneider
is part of Revista Brasileira de Ciência Política , 25 , 2018 , pp. 133 - 166
This article seeks to briefly explore in Antonio Gramsci and Elmer Eric Schattschneider the similarities in the way in which they approached politics in their works. The assumption is that it is possible to affirm that in both the politics is understood as necessarily bound to the universe of the conflict. Assuming an analysis based on realism and strategy, both the Marxist and the Democrat refused neutrality and started from their realities to develop dynamic interpretations of the political process. We will look at the Italian and American traditions - from an interpretation of Machiavelli in the case of Gramsci, and from James Madison in the case of Schattschneider - the way in which their theoretical elaborations have also advanced as a means of intervening in theirs adjacent political contexts.
Language por
Names [author] Goés, Camila
Realismo politico
Political realism