Buttigieg, Joseph A.

Ler e estudar Gramsci no novo milênio

is part of Revista Outubro , 29 , November, 2017
Antonio Gramsci experienced directly and at enormous personal cost the collapse of democracy and the establishment of an absolute state in Italy. His thinking and his work in this sense need to be thought of in the encounter of Marxism with the defense of democracy. To carry out this type of political criticism that we find in Gramsci today, it is necessary to conduct the same patient and thorough research that he carried out - and still more, since many changes have occurred throughout the decades in the means of information dissemination and in the infinites and more intricate ways in which it is manipulated, financially conditioned, technologically disposed, and so on. This is a more urgent challenge because, as Gramsci pointed out, the struggle for the bodies of public opinion is nothing less than the struggle for the monopoly of power which, as we are seeing in many countries, including the United States, threatens today the democracy itself. report of the "Colóquio Internacional Antonio Gramsci", held between 22 and 25 August 2017,at Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas.
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Names [author] Buttigieg, Joseph A.