Basile, Luca

Filosofia della prassi e americanismo. Spunti e appunti per una discussione su Gramsci

is part of Intersezioni , 1 , Bologna : Il Mulino , April 2010 , pp. 123 - 134
Such short essay concentrates on the interaction whit the thesis expressed by Alberto Burgio in his recent volume Per Gramsci (Roma, DeriveApprodi, 2007), which tries a critical thematising of the euristic-categorial patrimony coming from the gramscian elaboration, to obtain a penetrating reading of modernity. It is especially focused on the way in which, in the volume, the topic of the link between cosmopolitism and period meaning of americanistic circle is explained, and, in the light of such problems, that of the specificity of fascist phenomenon: underling, above all, how the gramscian investigation of the constitution of an unprecedented world order, facing the crumbling of the coincidency between sovreignty and nation state, is specified ad alternative to any deterministic hypothesis of crisis theory.
Language ita
Names [author] Basile, Luca
Filosofia della Praxis
Rivoluzione Passiva
Philosophy of Praxis
Passive Revolution
Recensione di
Per Gramsci , 2007