Calabrò, Carmelo

Antonio Gramsci e la Grande Guerra

is part of Il pensiero politico , XLIX , 2 , Firenze : Leo S. Olschki , 2016 , pp. 156 - 168
This article investigates Gramsci's political reflections on the First World War. In the first part, it inquires the reasons that induced Gramsci to switch from an equivocal stance on Italy's participation in the war to a radical non-inter-ventionist attitude. By analysing Gramsci's early writings this essay shows the link between his severe criticism against the supporters of the Great War and his at-tack on the liberal system, especially the Italian one. The second part of the article remarks how the Russian Revolution in 1917 influenced Gramsci's political vision, and how it represented a turning point in his way to conceive socialism as a "phi-losophy of praxis" capable of building a new order after the war. Numero speciale su La Grande Guerra e gli scrittori politici: momenti e figure

Available online: (Accessed March 13, 2017)

Language ita
Names [author] Calabrò, Carmelo
Guerra Mondiale, Prima
Guerra (Gramsci E La)
Rivoluzione Russa
World War I
Russian Revolution