Aqueci, Francesco

Lo sciopero dei Quaderni. A proposito del libro di Giorgio Fabre su Gramsci

is part of Politeia , XXXII , 121 , Milano : Etica e Scelte Pubbliche , 2016 , pp. 91 - 96
Conception of leadership, relations with the Church, public and secret aspects of the political action are the themes that form the backdrop to Giorgio Fabre's book Lo Scambio (Palermo, Sellerio, 2015), a reconstruction of the attempts to release Antonio Gramsci, whose bankruptcy pushed the prisoner to suspend for protest the writing of the Prison Notebooks. These political-philosophical themes and the related historiographical assumptions are discussed in the article, followed by a reply of the same Fabre, and a counter-reply by the author.
Language ita
Names [author] Aqueci, Francesco
Biografia, Carcere, Tentativi Di Liberazione
Vaticano, Tentativi di liberazione di Gramsci
Urss, Tentativi di liberazione di Gramsci
Biography, Prison-attempt-release
Vatican, release from prison
Ussr, campaign to free Gramsci
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