Prezioso, Stefanie

Italie 1914 : guerre et utopie

is part of Education et sociétés , 37 , 1 , Liegi : De Boeck Supérieur , 2016 , pp. 81 - 95
The utopian load of the First World War is expressed either in terms of the birth in violence of another kind of society, or the emergence of the consciousness of the working class and peasant classes; prior to the emergence of revolutionary socialism. In Italy, the long debate which preceded its joining the War in May 1915 expressed the diverse positions which made explicit the hopes and means that many felt need to be implemented in order to break with an unsatisfying world. It offered a pertinent enlightenment on utopia and self-taught education, in relation with militant contexts and engagements. The most diverse representations of political, social, cultural potentialities opened up by the War had the time to develop and be developed, to crystallise themselves, to be disseminated and to spread a fantasized image of participation in the conflict. The ten months in which Italy did not join the War were a unique and ideal moment to search for the means which would lead to a subversion of the world order. The article describes first of all the representations of the War as the utopian medium for student and/or militant youth. It then studies the socialist party's internal tensions, by highlighting the differences in position between Gramsci and Mussolini. It concludes by evoking the post-war period: if the "red years" testified to the fortification, during the conflict, of hope for social and political emancipation, fascism buried it.
Language fra
Names [author] Prezioso, Stefanie
Guerra Mondiale, Prima
Partito Socialista Italiano (PSI)
World War I
Italian Socialist Party (PSI)