Bianchi, Alvaro

Estratégia do contratempo: notas para uma pesquisa sobre o conceito gramsciano de hegemonia

is part of Cadernos Cemarx , 4 , Campinas : Centro de Estudos Marxistas (Cemarx) , 2007 , pp. 9 - 39

The present work seeks to reconstruct critically Gramsci's thought, more particularly that of his Quaderni del cárcere, by investigating the place he reserved to the concept of hegemony. The first hypothesis is that reconstructing the exercise forms of hegemony in Gramsci's analysis implies recognizing the different temporalities present in the Quaderni. The second hypothesis that guides this work is that valorizing the diachronic complexity allows to reveal that Gramsci's thought comprehends a unity between: a) history, philosophy and politics; b) structure and superstructure; c) the national and international dimensions of politics and culture; and d) the State and the civil society. The third hypothesis is that the discrepancy between the historicalinternational and the historical-national times helps distinguish precisely between hegemony in its full sense, i.e. the political and cultural guidance of a revolutionary class upon a set of subaltern classes, and restricted hegemony, which is the guidance in a historical period when the ruling class has already lost its capacity to assimilate the subaltern classes in its project.

Available online: Estratégia do contratempo: notas para uma pesquisa sobre o conceito gramsciano de hegemonia (Accessed December 07, 2016)

Names [author] Bianchi, Alvaro
Società Civile
Civil Society