McNally, Mark

Conclusion: Contemporary Themes

is part of McNally, Mark, Antonio Gramsci , 2015 , pp. 214 - 224
The introduction to this volume indicated that its primary purpose was to explore the contemporary significance of Gramsci's political thought and to provide an advanced introduction to his work that would retain an interest for seasoned readers of Gramsci. Each of the chapters of the volume has sought to achieve this objective in its own particular manner, examining different aspects, problems, ideas and interpretations of Gramsci's writings and relating them to debates in politics and political theory today. To conclude, I now wish to make good on the promise made in the introduction to bring home to the reader how Gramsci's thought can still 'speak to us' in our (post)modern world, and to supply us with critical resources to interrogate the present, recognizing too the limitations of his work. I do this by sketching out three central themes that emerge from the chapters in the book and which seem to me at least particularly relevant to contemporary politics and political thought.
Language eng
Names [author] McNally, Mark
Politica, Teoria Della
Political Theory