Thomas, Peter D.

Gramsci's Marxism: The 'Philosophy of Praxis'

is part of McNally, Mark, Antonio Gramsci , 2015 , pp. 97 - 117

In the Prison Notebooks Antonio Gramsci proposes the distinctive notion of a 'philosophy of praxis'. The interpretation of the significance of this suggestive formulation has costituted a fertile field of discussion both of Gramsci's approach to philosophical question in his prison writings and, more broadly, the nature of Marxist philosophy. Indeed, in the early years of the reception of the Prison Notebooks, the notion of a philosophy of praxis was sometimes understood as a merely formal device to evade prison censorchip, or a 'code word' by means of which Gramsci disguised his true reference. This reading marked both the early years of the Italian debate (following the publication of a thematically organized edition of the Prison Notebooks in the late 1940s and early 1950s) and then the Anglophone and subsequently international debate in the wake of pubblication of Selection from the Prison Notebooks in 1971.

Available online: Gramsci's Marxism: The 'Philosophy of Praxis' (Accessed December 09, 2016)

Language eng
Names [author] Thomas, Peter D.
Filosofia della Praxis
Quaderni del carcere
Philosophy of Praxis
Prison Notebooks