Santofimio Ortiz, Rodrigo

Antonio Gramsci y la sociología clásica decimonónica

is part of Historia Crítica , 48 , Bogotá : Universidad de Los Andes , September-December, 2012 , pp. 137 - 162

This article analyzes the contribution made by Antonio Gramsci to the sociology of the nineteenth century as well as to more contemporary sociology. First, the article reviews the discussion around the scientific status of the discipline; second, the establishment of social order (society) and the role of the individual as a philosopher; and third, the way Gramsci expresses sociology of "historical and political" social facts. The methodology is based on an analytical review of the texts of Gramsci and of the criticism to interpretations refering to the thinker.

Available online: (Accessed April 30, 2020)

Language spa
Names [author] Santofimio Ortiz, Rodrigo
Scienze Sociali
Social Science