Augusto Pinto, Geraldo

De demiurgo a operário

uma análise gramsciana do trabalho sob o taylorismo/fordismo

In his classic study "Americanism and Fordism", written in 1934, Antonio Gramsci dedicated himself to analyzing the influence of Taylorism/Fordism on American society's social and cultural development, especially transformations operated in the political culture of the factory labourer. Revealing in Taylorism/Fordism capitalism's ample ideological strategy, Gramsci perceived in this system more than a simple set of methods of organizing and managing labour activities. It was, above all, a set of principles that persuaded and coerced labourers in their actions beyond the companies' space, conforming them within ideas and a lifestyle perfectly adequate to the necessities of the emerging mass industrialization. In this effort, Gramsci attained significant clarity regarding the magnitude of the influence of the social structure, of the State and of the class struggle over the development of the productive forces, mainly in regards to the management of labour, demonstrating the dialectic character of these spheres. Our goal in this work, is to resume points of this Gramscian reading of Taylorism/Fordism, observing the scope and depth of his arguments.

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Names [author] Augusto Pinto, Geraldo
Consigli Di Fabbrica
Americanismo Fordismo
Factory Councils
Americanism Fordism