Short, Nicola

Difference and Inequality in World Affairs

A Gramscian Analysis
is part of Ekers, Michael, Gramsci: Space, Nature, Politics , 2013 , pp. 197 - 216
This chapter considers the question of racialized and gendered difference and inequality in world affairs from a Gramscian perspective. The discussion is organized in three parts. The first sketches briefly some elements of Antonio Gramsci's method useful for understanding the logic of racialized and gendered difference as he posed it, primarily under the rubric of two questions: "The Southern Question," and "The Sexual Question." The second section considers Gramsci's engagement with the Southern Question and his reading of the politics of uneven development in Italy. The third section explores the question of gender and "the sexual question," in which the role of gender as an ethico-political element of changing regimes of production is explored. The chapter concludes by considering the implications of an analysis of Gramsci's work for the understanding of the relationship between race, gender, and class, as well as the conditions and strategies for genuinely emancipatory politics.
Language eng
Names [author] Short, Nicola
Questione sessuale
Questione meridionale
Sexual Question
Southern Question