Mann, Geoff

State of Confusion

Money and the Space of Civil Society in Hegel and Gramsci
is part of Ekers, Michael, Gramsci: Space, Nature, Politics , Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell , 2013 , pp. 104 - 120
This chapter outlines a concept of money in contemporary society that helps clarify the geography of Antonio Gramsci's civil society, the dimensions and reach of civil society not as distinct from the state, but as partially constitutive of and absolutely essential to the modern state. A good place to start discussion of civil society is Hobbes's Leviathan. For Hegel, money is something special and especially powerful in the modern world, imbricated in, and of particular interest to, the state. For Gramsci, Hegel's analysis of civil society was enormously fruitful. The chapter argues that while money may be missing from Gramsci's writing, it is possible to construct a first-cut Gramscian theory of money using those aspects of his conception of civil society built upon Hegelian foundations.
Language eng
Names [author] Mann, Geoff
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Società Civile
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Civil Society