Hernán, Fair

Debates teóricos e intelectuais da teoria da hegemonia de Ernesto Laclau com/contra as tradições marxistas e das esquerdas: ¿teoria pós-marxista?

The article problematizes the self-positioning of Laclau's theory of hegemony in the "post-Marxist" field and in socialist traditions, from the analysis of the positions and debates with the intellectual thinkers who questioned him from Marxist and leftist traditions. Based on the analysis of their convergences, theoretical tensions and onto-epistemological ruptures with/ against Marxist and socialist traditions, it seeks to contribute to evaluate the validity of the criticism and, at the same time, promote a greater dialogism and debate with these theoretical, social and political conceptions.

Also available on the web: Acta Sociológica (Accessed June 24, 2016)

Language spa
Names [author] Hernán, Fair
Laclau, Ernest
Laclau, Ernest