Fax, Joanna

Vulnerability as Hegemony: Revisiting Gramsci in the Age of Neoliberalism and Tea Party Politics.

is part of Culture, Theory and Critique , 53 , 3 : Routledge , 2012 , pp. 323 - 337
The concept of 'vulnerability' - a descriptor attached to those under a given set of oppressive circumstances - has by now become a familiar part of the political lexicon. This article examines recent academic, cultural, and political formulations of 'vulnerability', a dexterous category to be sure, and how what I call 'vulnerability discourse' has functioned in neoliberal times to describe a conceptual shift from the state as guarantor of rights to protector of private property. Analysing the terrain of vulnerability discourse sheds light on the dynamics of what Gramsci has termed the 'integral state' to elucidate how this discourse works to obscure the innovative ways the state and capital collude to consolidate class power.
Language eng
Names [author] Fax, Joanna