Reed, Jean-Pierre

Theorist of Subaltern Subjectivity: Antonio Gramsci, Popular Beliefs, Political Passion, and Reciprocal Learning.

is part of Critical Sociology , 39 , 4 : Sage , July, 2013 , pp. 561 - 591
Some recent positions on Antonio Gramsci portray him as a vanguardist who outright rejects common sense and popular culture as playing a role in counter-hegemony or political resistance. This manuscript seeks to provide a corrective to these recent portrayals. It does so by accurately evaluating Gramsci's position on the dialectical relationship subaltern (popular) beliefs have to counter-hegemony; by considering his bottom-up stance on the relationship organic intellectuals have to the subaltern; by focusing on his cutting edge position on ideological articulation; and in light of his articulations regarding the role of subaltern passion and subaltern-centered pedagogy for counter-hegemony. As a way to illustrate the significance of the subaltern for counter-hegemony, the potential of popular religion for counter-hegemony is explored.
Language eng
Names [author] Reed, Jean-Pierre
Culture subalterne
Cultura Popolare
subaltern culture
Popular culture