Guha, Ranajit

Gramsci in India: homage to a teacher

is part of Journal of Modern Italian Studies , 16 , 2 : Routledge , March, 2011 , pp. 288 - 295
In this paper (first delivered at the Gramsci Foundation in Rome in 2007), the distinguished Indian historian Ranajit Guha pays homage to the influence of Gramsci's writings in India and in particular of the development of Subaltern Studies. His paper traces the impact of Gramsci's ideas - in particular the notion of hegemony - on those writing about South Asian history since the early 1960s, and the ways in which they made possible a fuller understanding of how the dichotomies between its elite and subaltern streams limited the ability of the leaders of the Indian nationalist movement to mobilize its popular base. Special issue: «Gramsci Revisited. Essays in Memory of John M. Cammett». First delivered in italian at the Gramsci Foundation in Rome in 2007
Language eng
Names [author] Guha, Ranajit
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
All'Estero: India
Abroad, India