Santucci, Antonio A.

Antonio Gramsci

Preface by Eric J. Hobsbawm; Foreword by Joseph A. Buttigieg; Editor's Note by Lelio La Porta;
New York: Monthly Review Press, 2010, 208
This volume provides a complete English translation of Antonio Santucci's Antonio Gramsci. Guida al pensiero e agli scritti (1987), as well as the first chapter of Santucci's, Gramsci (1996), "Fin de Siècle Gramsci". More info: (24/01/2011)
Preface by Eric J. Hobsbawm; Foreword by Joseph A. Buttigieg; Editor's Note by Lelio La Porta; List of Abbreviations; Introduction; The Political Writings; The Letters From Prison; The Prison Notebooks; End-of-Century Gramsci; Appendix 1: Biographical Chronology; Appendix 2: Biographies of Main Political Figures
Language eng
Names [author] Santucci, Antonio A.
[curatore] La Porta, Lelio
[traduttore] Di Mauro, Graziella
[traduttore] Engel-Di Mauro, Salvatore
[prefazione] Hobsbawm, Eric J.
[other] Buttigieg, Joseph A.
Biografia Generale
Biography, General