Álvarez, Guadalupe

La cuestión educativa en el pensamiento de Antonio Gramsci

is part of Sociedad y Discurso , 15 : Universidad de Aalborg , 2009 , pp. 90 - 106
Available on the web: http://www.discurso.aau.dk/SociedadyDiscurso_15/Alvarez_SyD15.pdf (Accessed April 8, 2010).
The study of educative issue in Antonio Gramsci's texts generates an initial question: What is the role of education in the thought of Gramsci's? In this article, a possible answer is weaved based on a network of important basic Gramsci´s concepts. Subsequently, the principles of Federal Low of Education (Ley Federal de Educación), that articulate Argentine educative system from 1993 to 2003, are analyzed using this conceptual network. The main conclusion is that, although Gramsci's proposals and Federal Low have similarities in relation to pedagogical relation, they show important differences regarding spontaneity and conscious leadership.
Language spa
Names [author] Álvarez, Guadalupe
Studi di caso
Educazione (Pedagogia)
case studies