Ludwig, Isolde

Vom Alltagsverstand zum neuen Kollektivwillen. Eine gramscianische Perspektive auf gewerkschaftliche Bildungsarbeit

is part of Forum Kritische Psychologie , 40 : Argument Verlag , 1999
Special issue «Gefühle/Emotionen, Gramsci».
After a brief presentation of relevant positions in the discourse of recent years on the objectives, contents, and methods of trade-unionist educational work, the author deals in more detail with the particular conceptualisations of education that are advocated. This analysis ranges from class theoretical conceptions such as Negts "exemplary learning" and the "patterns of interpretation" approach ["Deutungsmusteransatz"] to pluralistic notions of "self-organised learning and the feminist focus on "difference". Both her critique and the authors own elaboration of a concept of education that is critical of power and dominance are based on pertinent theorems of Gramsci.
Language deu
Names [author] Ludwig, Isolde
Educazione (Pedagogia)