Hirschfeld, Uwe

Soziale Arbeit in hegemonietheoretischer Sicht. Gramscis Beitrag zur politischen Bildung Sozialer Arbeit

is part of Forum Kritische Psychologie , 40 : Argument Verlag , 1999
Special issue «Gefühle/Emotionen, Gramsci».
Starting with current debates on the political significance of social work, the relationship between "politics" and "social work" is investigated. In this connection, Antonio Gramscis hegemony-theoretical approach presents itself as particularly suitable for a penetrating analysis of forms of dominance that does not reify isolated aspects. Possibilities for policital education are viewed against the background of the changing societal functions of social work. Referring to social workers as "fractionated intellectuals", limits and prospects of a democratic practice of social work are considered.
Language deu
Names [author] Hirschfeld, Uwe