Brandner, Johann W.

Sozialarbeit und Philospohie der Praxis

is part of Forum Kritische Psychologie , 40 : Argument Verlag , 1999
Special issue «Gefühle/Emotionen, Gramsci».
Gramscis analyses of "common sense" are used for an investigation of the prevailing form of social work that is conformist with respect to the basic societal conflicts. The attempt at redefining social work refers to two focal points in Gramscis conception: 1. to his notion of elaborating the "coherence of everyday thinking", of taking the "common sense" of the "subaltern" as a starting-point; 2. to Gramscis analysis of "catharsis" as a development of novel impetus of "subaltern" people, as "transition from the merely economic (or passionately egoistic) impulse to the ethical-political impulse"
Language deu
Names [author] Brandner, Johann W.
Senso Comune
Common sense