Frosini, Fabio

L'immanenza nei "Quaderni del carcere" di Antonio Gramsci

is part of Isonomia. Rivista dell'Istituto di Filosofia [Università di Urbino] , s.n. , December, 2004 , pp. 1 - 36
In a very original manner within the realm of Marxist thought, Antonio Gramsci uses the concept of immanency, in his Quaderni del carcere (Prison notebooks), with systematic significance as he locates in this concept the specificity of the Marxist position regarding philosophy. This essay aims at the analysis of the uses of this concept, that might be reduced to three main lines of development corresponding to three different meanings more or less well established in the philosophical tradition. In its first meaning, very frequently used ever since Gramsci's youth writings, immanency is a metaphysical horizon of inherence of cause to effect, and thus a generic denial of the transcendence of the divine and an assertion of the autonomy of the historical world. In a second sense, the term immanency appears in the Notebooks in close connection to the notion of teleology, that is, as a limitation of the constitutive use of reason to the phenomenic sphere and, in the particular context of historical knowledge, as a critical barrier to any philosophy of history based on the notion of prediction. Thirdly, the notion of immanency emerges in the Notebooks as a critical tool against ideology and as a synonym of worldliness, both of them made possible thanks to the principle of unity of theory and praxis. In this paper the Notebooks have been approached genetically so that it can be detected the residual character of the first meaning, the dominance of the second during the first stage of the work (1930) and the pre-eminence of the third in a second stage (1932), when also the relations between immanency and teleology are critically reassessed in the light of the idea of immanency as criticism of any form of metaphysics.
It is possible thus to observe two fundamental guidelines in Gramsci's thought. The first one is the necessity of thinking events in their absolute singularity, and in the Notebooks this means that the individual is critically assumed as the starting point both of philosophy of praxis and of political practice. The second one consists in a continued reflection about prediction, a notion that had already been amply criticised by Benedetto Croce, and that in the Notebooks finds the room for critical reformulation through the assimilation of necessity to regularity and uniformity.
Also available on the web: (Accessed June 3, 2008)
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Names [author] Frosini, Fabio
Filosofia della Praxis
Philosophy of praxis