Hill, Debbie J.

Rethinking hegemony as an educative-formative problem: Gramsci, post-Marxism and radical democracy revisited

Ph.D. Dissertation.
Hamilton: University of Waikato, 2004, viii, 246 p.
This thesis has been written in opposition to this displacement of hegemony from the historical materialist foundations that underpin Gramsci's own distinctive usage of the concept. My opposition centres particularly on the post-Marxist renunciation of the philosophical assumptions upon which socialism is founded, and upon the inevitable loss of the distinctive nuances of hegemony as a concept centring on the problem of the pathological reach of a capitalist epistemology and ontology upon human identity. As I argue within this study, it is precisely the impress of capitalism's economic and extra-economic aspect upon humanity's own cognitive and moral capacity upon its relational and valuational capability which Gramsci's writings attempted to articulate. In this respect, Gramsci differentiated himself in Marxist circles by the depth of his insights into Marx's historical materialist method and the practical reasoning ('praxis') that this methodology simultaneously engendered. Explaining this method, and the problem of education that this perspective further implies, is therefore the aim of this thesis. As I argue here, his entire written legacy reflects his historical materialist allegiance: the problem of 'education' as no less than the educative-formative problem of practical reasoning. (IGS, Gramsci Bibliography: Pre-2004 Entries)
Language eng
Names [author] Hill, Debbie J.
Educazione (Pedagogia)