Boni, Livio

Gramsci et la psychanalyse (I)

Sur les traces d'une réception fragmentaire dans les Cahiers de prison
is part of Cliniques méditerranéennes , 75 , Toulouse : Erès , 2007 , pp. 247 - 258
This is an attempt to reconstruct how Gramsci received Freudism through a series of fragmentary and indirect indications that nevertheless bear witness of an original approach, taking the measure of psychoanalysis from the ideological disturbance effects it releases, as a completion of the Enlightenment. Evading both the conditioned reflexes of the between the wars Marxism (torn between the Freudo-Marxist solution and the anti-Freudian doxa) as well as the haughty, though self-centred, disdain shown by Crocian idealism, the «Freudian» tones to be found in the Prison Notebooks reveal a little known facet of Gramscian throught, outlining a first «anthropological-philosophical» period of confrontation with the Freudian event (From
Language fra
Names [author] Boni, Livio