Bianchi, Alvaro

Gramsci além de Maquiavel e Croce

Estado e sociedade civil nos "Quaderni del carcere"
is part of Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana , 36 , Maracaibo : Universidad del Zulia , 2007 , pp. 35 - 36

This paper aims at investigating the Gramscian construction of the concepts of State and civil society within the Quaderni del carcere. By means of the genetic-diachronic reading, which emphasizes the fragmentary character of this work, the sources to which resorts its author and the time period of its production, it is sought the revaluation of the unitary and organic character of Gramsci's thought. Thererfore, it is possible to found an understanding of the civil society and the political society (the State stictu sensu!) in which these distinct terms do not have an antagonist relationship, as stated by a hegemonic reading of this work and rather a relationship of unity-distinction.

Available online: Utopia y Praxis Latinoamericana (Accessed December 05, 2016)

Language spa
Names [author] Bianchi, Alvaro
Stato - Società Civile
State civil society