Losurdo, Domenico

Gramsci, toujours à découvrir

[Interview by Jérôme-Alexandre Nielsberg translation from Italian by Gérard-Georges Lemaire]
is part of Les Lettres françaises , September 27, 2005 , pp. x
Regarding the announced translation of his book Antonio Gramsci : du libéralisme au "communisme critique" (then published in 2006).
Also available on the web: http://www.humanite.fr/journal/2005-09-27/2005-09-27-814822 (Accessed July 7, 2008)
Language fra
Names [author] Losurdo, Domenico
[curatore] Nielsberg, Jérôme-Alexandre
[traduttore] Lemaire, Gérard-Georges