Busnardo, Jo Anne - Braga, Denise Bertoli

Uma visao neo-gramsciana de leitura critica

contexto, linguagem e ideologia
is part of Ilha do Desterro. Revista de Língua Inglesa, Literaturas em Inglês e Estudos Culturais/Journal of English Language, Literatures in English and Cultural Studies , 38 , January-June, 2000 , pp. 91 - 114
Critical reading in English as a second language is considered from a postructuralist perspective combining issues of ideology, social context; language use. Paulo Freire's (1987) critical reading proposals formulated for literacy programs of the poor in Brazil are outlined, focusing on the role of the teacher; the school in the development of critical reader by removing the experience of social oppression from the language instruction process. Reading is viewed as a process for students to develop a critical perspective on the world. The teacher's principal role is to explain the contexts, including ideological worlds; discursive universes, in which meanings are formed; make the text more transparent; interpretable to the student. This proposal based on a functional approach to language teaching is elaborated with H. A. Giroux's (1983); A. Gramsci's (1971) resistance theory within which the notion of resistant reading is conceived of as a conscious process of questioning political hegemonies; social ideologies. 19 References. Z. Dubiel
Language por
Names [author] Busnardo, Jo Anne
[author] Braga, Denise Bertoli
Inglese come lingua internazionale
Lingua (e Linguistica)
English as International Language
Language (including Linguistics)