Francese, Joseph

Renegotiating the Role of the Intellectual in the Age of Globalization

is part of Annali d'Italianistica , 24 , Chapel Hill, NC , 2006 , pp. 295 - 309
The author of this article argues that Gramscian "storicismo integrale" must as an methodological cornerstonstone of the emerging inter-disciplinary field of cultural studies, which is seen here as a means of coming to grips with the rethinking of our profession-made necessary by the evolving 'capitalist' rationalization of the academy-and as a means of re-invigorating the social relevance and incisiveness of critical inquiry. When seen in the light of the necessary reciprocity linking art and society stressed by Gramsci, cultural studies may be considered a means of encouraging the younger generations to wage a "battle of ideals" against the neo-conservative agenda that in many quarters is considered 'common sense.' Given the absence of Gramsci's "collective intellectual"in contemporary politics, the "return to Gramsci" heralded by cultural studies may serve as a locus for the elaboration of a counter-hegemonic cultural politics.
Names [author] Francese, Joseph
Cultural Studies
Egemonia, Contro
Cultural Studies
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