Raney, Vanessa

Gramsci Outside of Marx? Defining Culture in Gramscian Terms

is part of Cultural logic : an electronic journal of Marxist theory and practice , 9 , Wichita, KS , 2006
This paper suggests that Antonio Gramsci, while Marxian in approach, had a different grasp of culture when compared to Marx. In focusing on The Prison Notebooks I hope to show how Gramsci approaches culture from many applicable but different contexts. I deliberately veer away from issues of hegemony in an attempt to offer a more general definition of culture that is more in line with Gramsci and Marx. Finally, I look to specific Gramscian scholars to understand how Gramsci has been approached in the scholarship.
This paper was originally submitted to fulfill the requirements for CLST 300 Introduction to Cultural Studies I at Claremont Graduate University, Fall 2003. It was also presented with some minor revision at The Melbern G. Glassock Center for Humanities Research Conference, held at Texas A&M University, 1-3 Apr. 2004
Disponibile anche in Internet (visitato il 25 gennaio 2007)
Language eng
Names [author] Raney, Vanessa
Marx, Karl
Althusser, Louis
Marx, Karl
Althusser, Louis