Boothman, Derek

Guramushi "gokuchyuu nooto" ni okeru kagaku honyakukanoosei (dai ikkai) Science and Translatability in prison notebook of Gramsci (Part 1)

Translation by Yasushi Nakajima e Katsumi Nakamura
is part of La Città futura. Tokio Gramsci Society. Bullettin , 20 , Tokio , October 15, 2001 , pp. 6 - 12
Translation of pp. liv-lxii of Section: "Science and Translatability" of the "General introduction"
Language jpn
Names [author] Boothman, Derek
[traduttore] Nakajima, Yasushi
[traduttore] Nakamura, Katsumi
Traduzione di
General Introduction , October 15, 2001--*--MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1995