Losurdo, Domenico

Com Gramsci, além de Marx e além de Gramsci

is part of Educação em foco. A Revista da Faculdade de Educação da UFJF , 5 , 1 , September 2000/February 2001 , pp. 63 - 80
The article emphasizes the fact that Gramsci warms the revolutionary movement against the strong possibilities of the leading classes decapitating the inferior classes politically and idelogically. It describes the Gramscian power phenomenology, according to which the dominating place is not only in the political State, but also in civil society.It points out the complexity of the construction of the revolutionary consciencein Gramsci, which can not be restricted to economic and political dimensions, but includes the ideological and moral sphere too. The article critizes the anarchist and apocalyptic vision as wellas history-ening theories (from http://www.faced.ufjf.br/).
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Names [author] Losurdo, Domenico
Traduzione di
Con Gramsci oltre Marx e oltre Gramsci , September 2000/February 2001--*--1997