Urban, George R.


its roots and future in Italy and elsewhere
Edited by George R. Urban
London: Maurice Temple Smith, 1978, 287
A collection of interviews conducted for Radio Free Europe in 1977-78 with leading Eurocommunist spokesmen, and with a number of experts on Eurocommunism. With references to Gramsci in the essays by Lombardo Radice, Mussi, Romeo, Settembrini, Sorge, Barzini.
Language eng
Names [curatore] Urban, George R.
Barzini, Luigi
The Italians and the Communist Party
pp. 211 - 235
Romeo, Rosario
The Uses of Anti-Fascism
pp. 116 - 145
Settembrini, Domenico
Mussolini and Lenin
pp. 146 - 178
Sorge, Bartolomeo
Will Eurocommunists and Eurocatholics Converge?
pp. 255 - 277
Lombardo Radice, Lucio
Communism with an Italian Face
pp. 32 - 57
Mussi, Fabio
A Communist View of Fascism
pp. 58 - 72