Del Roio, Marcos

Gramsci contra Occidente

is part of Bajo el Volcán , 2 , 3 , Puebla , 2001 , pp. 183 - 199
Translation, by Maylet Echegollen, of «Gramsci contra o Ocidente» (1998).
"This article offers a reading of the theoretical and practical reasons that caused Antonio Gramci to break with the positivist reformism and neoidealism of so-called western Marxism. It is suggested that said break forward part of a project oriented towards exploring the possibility of going beyond the "west" as the cultural form implicated in the social exploitation of labor." (
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Language spa
Names [author] Del Roio, Marcos
[traduttore] Echegollen, Maylet
Traduzione di
Gramsci contra o Ocidente , 2001--*--1998