Kipfer, Stefan

Urbanization, Everyday Life and the Survival of Capitalism

Lefebvre, Gramsci and the Problematic of Hegemony
is part of Capitalism, Nature, Socialism , 13 , 2 , 2002 , pp. 117 - 149
"Discusses the specifically urban aspects of antiglobalization protest movements through a reinterpretation of Henri Lefebvre's urban Marxism that links it to the work of Antonio Gramsci. Such a rereading, unlike poststructuralist & political-economy treatments of urban Marxism, focuses on hegemony & everyday life. The aim is to offer a metapolitical & metatheoretical orientation rather than a comprehensive "Gramscian-Lefebvrian" urban Marxist model. The significance of everydayness & difference in the proposed orientation allows for a potential new metatheoretical point of departure toward reconceptualizing urban Marxism in response to poststructuralist questions about difference. Nonetheless, this reconceptualization entails dialogue with theorists sympathetic to Lefebvre's dialectical humanism but also concerned with his theoretical inattention to matters of racism, patriarchy, & imperialism." (IGS, Newsletter, n. 14)
Language eng
Names [author] Kipfer, Stefan
Vita Quotidiana
Spazio Urbano
Daily life
Space urban