Amodeo, Immacolata

Kulturdifferenz als Mediendifferenz. Antonio Gramsci und das Opernhafte

is part of Arcadia , 37 , 2 , 2002 , pp. 260 - 268
"Antonio Gramsci's reflections in Quaderni del carcere on the interrelation of media and culture is significant for both media and cultural theory. According to Gramsci, culture needs a national or popular medium to participate in the construction of a cultural identity. In the European context of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, Gramsci ascribes this function to literature, and in particular to the novel, whose major representatives, for example, Victor Hugo, Balzac, Dostoyevsky, and Tolstoy, have contributed to the creation of a "cultura nazionale-popolare". But what to make of Italy, where the production of novels lagged? According to Gramsci, a remarkable "gusto melodrammatico" (taste for the operatic) has been evident in many aspects of Italian cultural and daily life. This suggests that in Italy, opera has taken on the role of the novel." (From Igs, Newsletter, n. 14)
Language deu
Names [author] Amodeo, Immacolata