Gramsci, Antonio
Historicky materialismus a filosofie Benedetta Croceho Historical Materialism and the Philosophy of Benedetto Croce
[Translation by S. Lyer and L. Sochor]. [Introduction by Palmiro Togliatti]
Prague: Svoboda, 1966, 353
The Czech translation of this volume of the first Einaudi edition of the Prison Notebooks.
Language | ces |
Names |
[author] Gramsci, Antonio [traduttore] Lyer, Stanislav [traduttore] Sochor, Lubomír [other] Togliatti, Palmiro |
Togliatti, Palmiro
Leninismus v myslení a cinnosti A. Gramsciho Leninism in the thought and action of A.G.
pp. 5 - 44
Leninismus v myslení a cinnosti A. Gramsciho Leninism in the thought and action of A.G.
pp. 5 - 44
Traduzione di