Gramsci, Antonio

Quaderni del carcere

Edizione critica dell'Istituto Gramsci. A cura e con una prefazione di Valentino Gerratana. [Four volumes]
Torino: Einaudi, 1975, xciv, 3369
The standard Italian edition of Gramsci's "Prison Notebooks". Published chronologically by the number of the "Quaderno." In addition to some footnotes, there are 600 pages of endnotes. There is also a very important preface of forty pages, a description of each notebook, a table of concordances between this and the previous Einaudi edition of 1948-51, a list of works and periodicals cited by Gramsci, and 200 pages of indexes by subject and name. [Third edition, 1979]. Reprinted in the serie: Einaudi tascabili, in 2001 (and 2007), with a presentation of Giuseppe Vacca on the back of cover of the first volume
Series Nuova universale Einaudi. N. S, 1
Language ita
Names [author] Gramsci, Antonio
[curatore] Gerratana, Valentino
Gerratana, Valentino
Vol. I, pp. xi-xlii
Recensito da
Galasso, Giuseppe
Leggere Gramsci
Ristampato da
Gramsci, Antonio
Quaderni dal carcere [sic!]
Tradotto da
Gramsci, Antonio
Cuadernos de la cárcel
Gramsci, Antonio
Gefängnis Hefte
Gramsci, Antonio
Cahiers de prison
Gramsci, Antonio
Prison Notebooks