Gramsci, Antonio

Lettere dal carcere

A cura di Sergio Caprioglio e Elsa Fubini. Nuova edizione riveduta e integrata sugli autografi, con centodiciannove lettere inedite
Torino: Einaudi, 1965, XLV, 949
New edition revised and enlarged on the basis of the original letters with 119 of them previously unpublished... This edition includes also an "Avvertenza" (Caprioglio-Fubini), a "Tavola di confronto con le precedenti edizioni," a chronology of Gramsci's life (Caprioglio), and extended explanatory notes on the correspondents, and unpublished episodes and circumstances.«In the "Appendice" there are two lists of the books sent to Gramsci by the Milanese bookstore 'Sperling and Kupfer,' the letter by P. Sraffa to the Manchester Guardian of October 24, 1927, on Gramsci's imprisonment, Tatiana Schucht's letter to Sraffa (May 12, 1937) on Gramsci's death, and an Indice dei libri e dei periodici.» (M.B.).For many years, the standard critical Italian edition of the Lettere dal carcere. The popular edition published by L'Unità (1988) contains 28 letters which were not included here. See now the edition of 1996 edited by Antonio A. Santucci
Series Nuova universale Einaudi/60
Language ita
Names [author] Gramsci, Antonio
[curatore] Caprioglio, Sergio
[curatore] Fubini, Elsa
Lettere dal carcere
Letters from prison
Caprioglio, Sergio
Cronologia della vita di Antonio Gramsci
pp. xxix - xlviii
Caprioglio, Sergio
pp. vii-xiv
Tradotto da
Gramsci, Antonio
Lettres de prison