Gramsci, Antonio

Il Risorgimento

is part of Quaderni del carcere , Torino : Einaudi , 1948-...
Eleventh edition, 1974. Cf. edition: Rome: Editori Riuniti, 1971.«The volume contains notes on the Renaissance and Reformation and on the Risorgimento as an incomplete bourgeois revolution. Also contains an analysis of problems connected to the political and military leadership and to the hegemony of the bourgeoisie in the formation of Italian unification» (M.B.).
Series Opere di Antonio Gramsci, 4
Language ita
Names [author] Gramsci, Antonio
pp. xiii-xiv
Recensito da
Baget-Bozzo, Gianni
Gramsci e il Risorgimento
Santonastaso, Giuseppe
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De Feo, Italo
I due poli [Review]
Cappi, Giuseppe
[Rec. a Il Risorgimento]
Ristampato da
Gramsci, Antonio
Il Risorgimento