Thompson, Surgeon

Gramsci and James Connolly

Anticolonial Intersection
is part of Interventions: international journal of postcolonial studies , 5 , 31 , August, 2003 , pp. 345 - 370
This article investigates overlaps and confluences between the work of Gramsciand James Connolly, demonstrating how both theorized hegemony, the intellectuals and subaltern historiography. It closes by marking a confluence at the level of form: the fragmentary character of their work and the demands this makes upon interpretation. Specifically, this article proposes the Gramscian concept of ‘elaboration' to meet these interpretive demands and to help recover the work of Gramsci and Connolly in the interests of critical anticolonial theory. (IGS News, n. 14)
Language eng
Names [author] Thompson, Surgeon
Connolly, James
Connolly, James