Mayo, Peter

A Rationale for a Transformative Approach to Education

is part of Journal of Transformative Education , 1 , 1 , January, 2003 , pp. 38 - 57
This article proposes a rationale for a transformative approach to education against the backdrop of an analysis of the current political scenario marked by neoliberalism and the effect of this ideology on educational policy and practice. The author looks at some of the intellectual influences that, in his view, continue to abet this process and the larger process of capitalist restructuring, all of which have an effect on educational policy making and practice. What signposts should one explore for a transformative education, based on ideals of social justice, bearing this scenario in mind? The article will tentatively propose some of the ingredients for a transformative process of education and then proceed by providing a critical reflection on two "on the ground" projects taking place in the author's home country.
Language eng
Names [author] Mayo, Peter
Educazione (Pedagogia)