Zacharias, Usha

The Question of the Author

Television and Cultural Politics in the Time of the «Ramayana»
Ph.D. Dissertation.
Miami, Ohio: Ohio University, 2000, 293 p.
«This work explores the postcolonial representational practices, national identity and the question of community agency based on the popular Indian mythological text, the "Ramayana." The starting point for this inquiry was the Balmikis' or lower caste sanitation workers' strike in August 1988 against the "Ramayana," when it was serialized on Indian television... Drawing on the theoretical frameworks of Antonio Gramsci and Michel Foucault, this study explores the question of the audience's agency through the metaphor of the author...».
Language eng
Names [author] Zacharias, Usha
India Ramayana
Educazione (Pedagogia)
Studi di caso
India Ramayana
Case studies