Wittendorf, Alex

Om politisk ramme-historie On the history of political contexts

Anledning af en anmeldelse Introducing a report
is part of Historisk Tidsskrift , 92 , 2 , 1992 , pp. 364 - 371
«... Considers an article by Mikael Venge in the previous issue of the journal about historical interpretation invarious cultural and political contexts, criticizing his terminology and citing the work of authors such as Norbert Elias, Gramsci, and Foucault to demonstrate that the term "political" is open to wider interpretations than the one Venge uses» (Historical Abstracts online, 26 April, 2000).
Language dan
Names [author] Wittendorf, Alex
Politica, Teoria Della
Venge, Mikael
Elias, Norbert
Foucault, Michel
Political theory
Venge, Mikael
Elias, Norbert
Foucault, Michel