Togliatti, Palmiro

Leninismus v myslení a cinnosti A. Gramsciho Leninism in the thought and action of A.G.

is part of A. Gramsci, Historicky materialismus a filosofie Benedetta Croceho [Historical Materialism and the Philosophy of Benedetto Croce] Prague: Svoboda, 1966 , pp. 5 - 44
This essay serves as an introduction to the Czech translation of this volume of the first Einaudi edition of the Quaderni del carcere.
Language ces
Names [author] Togliatti, Palmiro
Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'i� Ul'janov, detto
Quaderni del carcere, Ceco
Lenin, Nikolaj, Vladimir Il'i� Ul'janov, detto
Prison Notebooks Czech