Tavakol, Rahmat A.

Ayatollah Sayyed Mahmoud Taleqani

The Life and Thought of an Organic Intellectual
Ph.D. Dissertation
New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University, 1998
On the ayatollah Taliquani in which Gramsci's ideas on hegemony and intellectuals form part of the theoretical foundation of his work. His main concern is to investigate the process of ideological exchange between religious and secular thinkers as well as among religious thinkers in the context of the cultural and political changes that have taken place in Iran since the 1950s. (IGSNews, 2)
Language eng
Names [author] Tavakol, Rahmat A.
Taeqani, S.A. (Ayatollah)
Intellettuali Organici
Studi di caso
Taeqani, S.A. (Ayatollah)
Intellectuals organic
case studies