Suzuki, Tomihisa

Guramushi "Gokuchû nôto" ni okeru testugakuteki ningenron no tenkai: Marukusu ansanburu kitê no kojinron teki saihensê e [The Development of the Discourse on Human Nature in Gramsci's "Prison Notebooks": Toward the Reconstruction of the Marxian "Ensemble-Thesis" from an Individual Perspective]

is part of Nihonfukushi Univ. kenkyû kiyô , 98-2 , March, 1998 , 109-46
Special number in memory of the late Prof. Eisuke Takamura.
Language jpn
Names [author] Suzuki, Tomihisa
Quaderni del carcere, 1975 (edizione critica a cura di V. Gerratana)
Natura Umana
Marxismo, Tesi Del Gruppo
Quaderni del carcere, 1975 (V. Gerratana's "critical edition" of the Quaderni del carcere completed in 1975)
Human nature
Marxism ensemble thesis